Aug 26, 2011

(Old) Top 10 FPS Games

NOTICE: I wrote this originally on March 7, 2011 on and some images/videos may no longer work correctly. This will not prevent me from making a new Top 10 FPS games in the future.

Hey guys, Ivan2294 here with a Top 10. I really don't like competitive FPS Games, but I decided I would have to do an obvious Top 10 eventually, so I did. So, lets get started!
Some surprisingly calming and epic music! C418 - Cat

Here are the rules:

1. I have to have played the game.
2. In order to count as an FPS, the main focus for Singleplayer must be shooting enemies, while the main focus or Match-type in Multi-player must be competing for points by attacking the other team.

So lets get this started!!!!

Honorable Mentions:

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
While this game was terrible in terms of Storyline, the fact that I could play co-op was amazing to me and my brother. We had many fun moments, plus the beginning mission was pretty freakin' epic.

Goldeneye: Rogue Agent
Yeah, yeah, I get it. This game tried to ride on the success of the original N64 game, but the multiplayer was fun! There were traps and you could duel wield almost anything!

Halo 3
This didn't make the cut, just because I haven't had a true multiplayer experience, but the 4 player mode with my cousins was pretty cool.

10. Medal of Honor: Frontline

Originally released for the PS2, Medal of Honor was one of my most favorite FPS Games ever back in the day when it didn't SUCK. Seriously though, this game was awesome, but had almost no reply value. UNLESS YOU OWNED THE GAMECUBE (or Xbox) VERSION. AWE YEAH!!!!!!! This game was the first time I experienced a "realistic" Multiplayer experience, instead of all those super awesome unrealistic games in Goldeneye. I had to take cover, and get medpacks, and.....well that's really all I can remember. It had a solid multiplayer and was fun to play. The controls were great, and the Campaign was actually quite challenging. I may not remember much, but this game most definitely gets on the list.

9. Counter-Strike: Source

Now I said I don't play too many Competitive FPS games, but this is one of them. I haven't actually played that much, but this game is a really great FPS Game. However, one of the main reason for this game to be at number 9 is the Gun Game Mod. I could have added Black Ops instead, but I decided that Counter-Strike is a better game. Most features from Call of Duty were originally in this game. Search & Destroy's no respawn rule was found here, and the aspect of customizing your layout was originally found in this game. Although I must admit that it was very different, the basic layout is all here. The game is very balanced, and if you find a 24-hour Game server it gets very fun. The game isn't perfect though, and doesn't have that much to offer in terms of content, but what IS there is totally worth a few bucks.

8.Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament is probably one of the more "Over-the-top" FPS games out there, with all sorts of crazy weapons, such as the Impact Hammer. This game is very fun to play, and that's what makes it so great. Everything is exaggerated, with some levels having low gravity, people just jumping around everywhere gaining power-ups, and of course hearing those sweet words "HEAD-SHOT". There really isn't much left to say, you play this game and start having over-the-top actiony fun.

7. Half-Life 2 (and it's episodes)

People who have played this game should know what I speak of. While not exactly focused on shooting people, this game definitely has a lot of the "shooting of the Combine". The game is an FPS, but the main reason it gets on the list is because of the storyline. The game has a very unique storyline, and has a few clever plot twists. The controls are spot on, and while killing combine troops gets old fast, there is always something to keep you interested whether it be riding an air-boat, or figuring out a rather easy physics puzzle. And it has the  Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator, A.K.A. the Gravity Gun. This thing comes in handy a lot, and is even your only weapon later on in the game. The graphics in this game still stand up to todays standards, and the game has spawned a crap ton of mods & games running off the same engine.

6. Team Fortress 2

Once again, haven't played it much. But the few times I have played this game have been amazing. The classes are unique, and none of them are over-powered. The unique thing about this game is the art-style. Probably the most cartoony FPS ever made, this game shows that the art style of a game can affect the game itself. Originally the dev team was going for a realistic approach, but they eventually realized that realistic isn't always better. The idea of Gattling Sentries with rocket turrets, and using a baseball bat instead of a combat knife don't fit well in a realistic setting; but make it all colorful and voila it suddenly makes sense that your teammate is a spy wearing a cut-out mask and your sniper buddy is holding a jar of piss. The same goes the other way around, aiming down the sight and having modern tanks don't work well in a cartoony game either, and this is why this game is so great. Sometimes it's not all about the graphics; at least not in the way you would think.

5. Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

This game is the most story-oriented WWII game EVER. It shows the horrors that many soldiers experienced throughout Operation: Market Garden. It follows the story of a few soldiers in the airborne, with you being the leader of a squad by the name of Matt Baker. The story is great and intense, with a few plot twists (some obvious, some not). The controls are simple enough, AI are a smarter, and gameplay was been VASTLY improved over the first couple of games. While much of the gameplay is in Third-Person, seeing as cover-based combat is in Third-Person now, the game is still played in First-Person half the time and the majority of games in the series are FPS, so I'm going to let it slide because of it's great story and vastly improved combat.

4. Arma II: Combined Operations

Only Simulation fans and PC Users should know about this game. The game can technically be played entirely in Third-Person, but it's obviously not a good idea, so it counts as an FPS. While the game isn't called Combined Operations, Arma II, it's Stand-Alone Expansion Operation Arrowhead (which is basically just another game), and the DLC (which is only for the Expansion, making it more of a game than the original game) are all part of the Combined Ops pack on steam, so that's what I'm calling it. Being the most realistic FPS out right now the game lets you edit many scenarios into it's huge maps, and you can download more maps, vehicles, and mods for the game. There is even a (somewhat realistic) zombie mod! The game features all sorts of vehicles ranging from Humvee's w/TOW Launchers to Harrier Jets. It also has weapons that are very realistic and make sense for each faction; Russia doesn't use the now ancient AK-47, but rather modern AK-107's. While the extreme realism can get annoying it allows for the most intense immersion possible. Hell, It'd be #1 if it weren't for the fact that the game is glitchy as hell, is way too complex, and the AI can sometimesbe retarded when it comes down to soldier-level.

3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

We all either hate or love MW2 and Black Ops. But seems that all, or at least most, of us LOVE CoD 4. Basically the beginning of the most overused formula ever, this game was amazing when it came out. You get rewards for doing stuff? Genius!!!!!!! You can customize your own classes, WHY DIDN'T THIS HAPPEN SOONER!! While Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 are essentially the same thing as this game, this game did it first and this game did is simpler (if not better). I liked it better when there was only 3 killstreaks, everyone got the same thing. The mutliplayer is better than MW2, and the story was better than Black Ops. Essentially what I'm saying is that this game was ground-breaking and better than it's sequels. Too bad we had to buy a sequel to get zombies.

2. James Bond 007: Agent under Fire

This close to number 1, most you guys are probably shocked that this game is on here, and that I didn't put a certain popular N64 FPS Game. That's right I'm talking about Goldeneye. However, what most of you don't realize is that this game pretty much IS Goldeneye, but with better controls, graphics,  gameplay and the ability to add bots for Multiplayer. And while Nightfire might have better AI and even better controls, it loses out for the pure reason of being too "realistic". I know that Nightfire isn't realistic, but it IS more realistic than Agent Under Fire. Agent Under Fire, if I recall correctly, lets you set crazy mods such as golden weapons, or low gravity. It's maps are better suited for the over-the-top action. You can gain power-ups lying around, and the AltFire of most weapons are just generally cooler that in Nightfire. Basically, if you like Unreal Tournament, better controls, and Goldeneye this game is perfect for you. The story may be cheesy, but the multiplayer is one of the best out there ever.


1. Battlefield 2

MEC Map Loading Screen - DICE

This game is awesome. Now you guys might say that this isn't better and that the newer games have better graphics, customization, and blahblahblah. YOUR OPINION IS WRONG!!!! I love this game. It has everything I've ever wanted, simplicity, some realism, competition, immersion, modern weapons, EVERYTHANG!!!!  The controls: Perfect, the realism: Just enough to make sense, the balance: Almost Perfect (with the exception of Black Hawks and European Snipers). Matchmaking works well enough, and the game keeps track of your stats. This game is perfect in almost everyway. I really don't see how people can see this as NOT the best FPS game ever. The game has such perfect immersion, but there are some things you can experiment with to just have crazy fun. I love to start an empty LAN server, fly jets straight up, jump out when they stall and start falling, and get back in whilst in mid-air. The game is truly amazing, and immersive. The thing about Arma II was that the game was super hard to setup, and sometimes the realism ruined the immersion with things like fuel and inventory slots. DICE obviously knew what to make realistic and what to do for the sake of gameplay, and as such this game is truly the best FPS game ever made. Lets see if Battlefield 3 can live up to it's legacy.

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